Abide With Me
(John 15 : 1-17)


“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

John 15:5

Discussion Questions

1. Take a moment to review the passage. John’s quotes of Jesus contain several repeated words, phrase, and statements. Which one of these stand out to you? Why?

2. “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” (John 15:7-8) Compare this promise to John 13:35. Under what circumstances can we deploy this promise?

3. Jesus says that he calls us friends, not servants (John 15:13-15). What does friendship mean to Jesus, and what does he emphasize by saying this?

4. God is the gardener, Jesus the vine, and we the branches who bear much fruit. In your current season of life, what fruit do you most hope to bear?

5. Have you experienced what it is like to abide in Christ’s love? Have you experienced God’s pruning? Talk about what you cherished most about these experiences or what questions you may still have.

Spiritual Practice : Spend time with God

Jesus command to “abide with me” means “to make your home in me as I make my home in you” (John Mark Comer). This kind of presence takes time and practice.

This week commit to one daily practice of abiding with the Lord. Discuss what you will do daily and make a plan to keep each other accountable.

Here are some ideas of how:

1. Be intentional about the space: get away from distractions, especially technology.

2. Go for a walk to be with God. Notice signs of God’s love by “reading nature” as his revelation to you. Grab a symbol of this time: a rock, branch, flower. Thank God for how he reveals himself in creation.

3. Slowly read a Psalm aloud. Let the Psalm echo through your heart and mind. Read it again and pray through the Psalm personalizing the words to your needs. Try Psalm 16, 19, 23, 42 and 51.

4. Worship God through a song. Listen to a hymn or worship song and sing along or sit quietly. Afterwards speak to God in words or journal your response.

5. Try the Pray as you Go (App or Podcast) Each episode of about 12 minutes offers reflective music, a bible reading and reflective questions that invite conversation with God.

Note: 15 minutes daily = 11 eight hour days in a year!! Even small amounts add up!!
