BLESS is a simple way of thinking about the mission of God.
It’s less about downloading information or memorizing scripts, and more about loving our friends and neighbours well.
BLESS stands for 5 missional practices
B egin in prayer
Pray for friends, neighbours, and co-workers who do not know Jesus. As part of your prayers, ask God: "How do you want to use me to bless these people in my life"?
L isten to God and others
Hear from God through prayer. Also listen and pay attention to people as they share about their lives - their hopes, dreams, struggles and pains.
E at with the world, for the world
Invite and share meals with the people you are praying for. This is a simple way we can show kindness and build relationships!
S erve joyfully, lovingly, sacrificially
Look for opportunities to serve and show practical care for those you are getting to know.
S hare the story
As you grow in depth of relationship and trust, simply share the story of how Jesus has been at work in your life