Granville Chapel has always held mission at its core
The church was planted in 1950 with a desire to reach out to children and young families in the area. A few years ago, we recorded our history through interviews and stories from some of our founders. We were reminded of Granville’s missional DNA and rich history of innovation that has led to the creation and multiplication of many far reaching and creative missional initiatives.
Granville’s historical commitment and ongoing passion for extending God’s Kingdom around the world is also reflected in its long-term commitment to missionaries and ministry leaders whose reach extends into and beyond the City of Vancouver. Today there are many churches in the Dominican Republic who trace their origins back to Granville Chapel; there are also organizations that exist today as God has blessed the missional initiative, vision and generosity of Granville Chapel (including Regent College, Calling Ministries - Parkdale Manor and Blenheim Lodge, and early involvement in the start of Young Life youth ministry in Canada. Granville continues to be significant supporters in these ministries today.
Building on this rich history, Granville members served in former closed countries during the late 80’s to the turn of the millennium in reaching people with the good news. Granville missionaries were sent out to Russia, Moldova, Ukraine, Albania, China and Mongolia. The experience of teaching of English as mission in Mongolia and the influx of Asian immigrants fostered a work at Granville Chapel of providing English as a second language as a key part of missional outreach that continues to this day.
Starting in the early 2000’s a Team of Granville members was established to lead the expansion of Granville Missions locally and across the globe. Granville now supports work on all continents; the majority of missionaries sent out were those who had come through the doors of Granville and/or were known to the community. Key leaders in the Alpha evangelism movement for Canada and globally came from among us and are supported to today; Alpha sessions have been run out of Granville. Members have been encouraged to undertake short term missions with 400+ sent and counting. Large gifts have been generously provided to support important and innovative projects by our global missionary partners. Ministry to young people continues to be a key mission at Granville with many volunteering at the camps of Rockridge (Young Life), Pioneer (Intervarsity) and Daybreak (Brethren tradition churches).
In recent years, Granville has partnered with important justice and care missions as a means of demonstrating the love of Christ in indigenous people’s outreach, trafficking recovery, low-income family support, and orphaned children care. Granville members established a ministry encouraging the churches in Vancouver to “love thy neighbor” through simply reaching out with hospitality to those whom live next door.
Finally, Granville supports a local church plant with The Way Church that has grown to three locations in Vancouver. Through our partnership with the Way Church, and the associated Canadian Church Leaders Network, we are supporting the fostering of the next generation of Canadian Church leaders. Granville also supports a neighborhood missional hub in Fresno, California led by former Granville Chapel staff.
We believe that missional outreach is the Big Picture, it’s who we have been called to be, and we are committed to continuing the tradition of collaboration, partnership and innovation in mission.
“This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.”