The Refugee ministry team has Exciting news to share. For 3 years we've been preparing for the arrival of a family from Afghanistan who is waiting in India. Their second oldest son Shahram arrived on August 19th. The team of 12 members has found a place for him to live and all the funds have been raised. Shahram is settling in well and open to meeting new people. You can meet him most Sundays at Granville Chapel.
The remaining 6 family members, two parents and 4 kids, will hopefully arrive later this fall. Canadian immigration has a policy to reunite families within one year in a situation like this where one member gets their visa earlier. Please continue to pray for their file to move quickly through the Canadian immigration process. This large family is sharing a very small apartment in India and faces the stress of being too close to the Taliban who continue to threaten their lives while they wait.
How to Give?
Granville chapel had previously raised $49,230 for their support. An additional $40,000 needs to be raised and $30,000 of that has already come in!
Those wishing to give should send cheques written as follows:
Cheques to "Granville Chapel"
Memo line: Refugee's Fund
Or donate online via CanadaHelps link on the right, please make sure to select “Refugee Fund” instead of “General”.
Thank you for your faithful support to those in need.