Youth Ministry Vision Statement

We exist to see youth belong in community and experience God’s unconditional love,

coming alongside them in transformation as they learn to live in the fullness of their God-given identity

and are empowered into His Kingdom work.



You were made to be connected. You are meant to find acceptance in relationships and experience love, mercy and grace as part of a community. Your presence contributes to who we are and you are meant to give back to community as you bless others in a unique way through your gifts.


You were made to encounter God and be known by Him. You are meant to know His presence, be shaped by His Word, hear His voice and know Him personally.


You were made to be transformed. God loves us as we are but loves us too much to leave us as we are. When we meet God and decide to hand Him control of our lives, we will start on a journey of being remade into the image of Jesus.


You were made to find your identity in Christ.When you let Jesus into your heart, you become God’s beloved daughter or son and receive a new identity as a child of the King. We get to see ourselves as He sees us, not as the world sees us, not even as we used to see ourselves.


You were made to change the world. God chooses you to be His hands and feet, extending His love and hope into the hurting world. You are called to speak boldly about who He is and to demonstrate Him by giving of yourself for the sake of others.