staff changes - august 25, 2023

The Board has worked prayerfully and diligently over the summer to assess what steps are needed in preparation for our new Lead Pastor, Sam Voo starting on September 5th.

More details in the newsletter.

A Letter from incoming Lead Pastor, Sam Voo - july 27, 2023

Read it here.

Introducing our new Transitional Lead Pastor - march 5, 2023

The Interim Leadership Team (ILT) has voluntarily functioned as the “Lead Pastor” to provide support and assistance to staff and ministry leaders since November. The ILT is comprised of Steve Hankinson, Rebecca Janke, and Edith Rae.  When the ILT was created to fill the interim Lead Pastor need, it was clear that Granville Chapel would require the experience and expertise of an ‘interim’ Lead Pastor. The Board began searching for an individual who could provide interim lead pastoral support and help in transition leadership as we search for our new Lead Pastor. The Board found such a person and we are delighted to introduce Don Crawford.


Don Crawford – Transitional Lead Pastor

Don has over 30 years of experience in pastoral and non-profit ministry. Don has a calling in providing interim transitional leadership to churches who, like Granville, are in a time of transition. His background includes serving as Executive Lead Pastor of Lambrick Park Church in Victoria (a sister church to Granville) as well as in churches in Ontario and Colorado.  He currently serves as a part-time chaplain in a long-term care facility in White Rock where he lives with his wife Karen.  In recent years, Don has focused his ministry on providing interim lead pastor support.  Don brings pastoral skills and gifts, and specializes in helping churches in transition prepare for a new Lead Pastor. 

What is a Transitional Lead Pastor (TLP)? 

Some have compared the role of a transitional lead pastor to that of “John the Baptist” – a person called to prepare the way for the next person to lead.

Don will be supporting Granville up to 20 hours per week and will be with us until a new Lead Pastor is hired and settled into the role.  He will be in the office up to two days per week and will attend Sunday service about twice-a-month.  For some in the community, this will sound familiar as Granville had an interim lead pastor in 2005 when Ward Gasque, a retired Regent professor, provided excellent interim pastoral support prior to Andy beginning at Granville. 

Don has spent time with the Board and staff over the last month. We are excited to have Don join Granville as the Transitional Lead Pastor.  Don will be introduced to the congregation on Sunday March 5th and will participate with us in the congregational Vision and Values Workshop (with pizza!) on Sunday March 12th. 

The Board, on behalf of the congregation, would like to extend a huge thank you to the staff team (Susan, Dan, Leidy, David, Max, Tiago, and Jonatán) for their continued excellent work of supporting and caring for the Granville community.

board UPDATE - november 2022

Dear Granville Community,

The Board is thankful for Paul William’s ten years of service to us here at Granville Chapel. He joined as the Associate Pastor of Mission and Growth and his responsibilities have grown over time. Over the past year Paul has been the Acting Lead Pastor, willingly stepping into the difficult role when Andy Perrett first received the terrible cancer diagnosis. It was an incredible challenge leading through the loss of Andy and responding to the ongoing impacts of COVID.

Paul, we thank you and bless you for your service to Granville Chapel. We thank you for your ministry over the years and the encouragement and help you have been to so many people at Granville and beyond. You have prayed, encouraged, and taught us well and have walked with many of us through the challenges of life. Thank you for your leadership and ministry. We pray with you as the Lord leads you into your next adventure and are so grateful that you and your family will continue being a part of the Granville community.

What Happens Next? The Interim Leadership Team (ILT)

In response to Paul stepping down, the Board has formed an Interim Leadership Team (ILT). This team will be made up of three members of the Board who will provide leadership, support and encouragement to the staff team. The members comprising the ILT will be announced on Sunday, Oct. 30th. The ILT will continue in place until such time as an Interim Lead Pastor is appointed or the permanent Lead Pastor is selected.

The ILT and the staff team will collaborate to ensure that the ministries and operation of Granville continue seamlessly. Our capable staff team consisting of Susan, Mike, Dan, David, Sharon, and Leidy continue to work diligently to lead and meet the needs of our church community. We are grateful to the Lord for this pastoral team and the encouragement they are to the people of Granville. During this time, we plan to engage our entire community in events to come together to vision and discern together what the Lord has for Granville Chapel in the coming years. Many will remember this process 17 years ago after, Tim MacIntosh resigned and culminated in the hire of Andy. We are excited to step out in faith to see where the Lord is leading His church in 2023 – stay tuned for more information on October 30.

Whenever the Lord leads a congregation into a period of change, our best response is to pray more fervently for each other and the needs of the community. To that end, we will be having an Evening of Prayer on Wednesday Nov 2nd @ 7:00pm in the Fireside room. Please join us in praying for each member of the staff, board team, and for our whole church community - that during this time the Lord would lead us and guide us forward to do His good works as He has called us to do.

In His Service,

The Board

Granville Chapel

Frequently Asked Questions

We have developed this set of FAQs to help answer questions that we anticipate you have. If you have questions that are not covered below, please send an email the Granville Office at We will provide an answer as soon as we can.

How will the church operate in the absence of a Lead Pastor?
The Board has established an Interim Leadership Team (ILT) consisting of three Board members volunteering time. The ILT will work collaboratively supporting the staff to ensure the ministries and operation of Granville are not interrupted.

Will there be a search for a new Lead Pastor?
Yes. The Board will establish a search team to begin to advertise and seek Lead Pastor candidates. More information will be shared with everyone in the weeks ahead regarding the search process and work that is taking place.

In the past, when there has been an urgent need, I could just call Paul and Andy. What do I do now?
If you have an urgent need, please contact the staff member whose area of ministry is most closely related to the need that has arisen. You can also contact the church office during office hours (Monday – Friday, 9:30am – 2:00pm)

I have a prayer request that I would like to have the Prayer Chain team pray about. What do I do now?
Please contact the Office and the office team will coordinate sharing it with the Prayer Chain.

How can I help in this time of transition?
Granville has a long history of members of the community stepping forward to help in times of need. One way to help is through prayer for the community, the staff team and the Board. During periods of change, we can also encourage and support each other in response to needs we see. If there are any ways you would like to help, please talk with any of the staff team, the office or Board member.

Who will be preaching and teaching?
The Lord has blessed Granville with several gifted and capable speakers who are able to teach us the Word of God. We will continue to hear from these speakers and likely some new ones in the months ahead.


Dear friends,

Firstly, I would like to thank you for your prayers, cards, notes and the many expressions of love and support received over these past few weeks. I also want to acknowledge and thank the staff and Board for their hard work on behalf of the church through this lengthy and unprecedented season of uncertainty and grief.

Be strong and courageous! This is indeed a season of great change in the life of our church community. Change is not comfortable, but I believe it is where we can grow in our faith and experience the “even more” that The Lord has for us. On Sunday, I shared how Joshua 1.9 has been a verse through which The Lord has challenged and guided me and my family in key moments of transition.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;
do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

These were words spoken to me when The Lord first called me to Brazil. They were the words sung over us at our wedding; when The Lord first called me into Church Leadership; when He called us to church plant in an unknown city in NE Brazil; when He called us to leave Brazil and move to Canada… and now, to trust Him again on a new adventure of faith.

What is your relationship to Granville Chapel? A few weeks ago, Wayne shared a message and asked us this question. It was a good question, and one that struck me as I sought The Lord’s will for me in this new season. Two weeks ago, I was presented with the new Lead pastor job description and invited to consider the role. It is a great job, full of opportunity… but I sensed the person being described was not me. In prayer and consultation with members of the Board, trusted friends and family, in light of the perceived needs and emphasis for this next season,

and a sense of who The Lord is calling me to be in this next season, I have decided to step down from leadership at Granville Chapel.

In response to Wayne’s question, my relationship with Granville Chapel will continue, but it will be different. Granville Chapel is our church family and it will remain so. You are why we came to Vancouver all those years ago! (Photo: Fall 2012)

It has been a great privilege and joy to walk alongside you as your Pastor these past ten years. As of November 7th, that relationship will change. As a family, we intend to continue to worship at Granville Chapel. I personally look forward to journeying with you, not in the position of pastor, but as a friend and brother in Christ who with you, actively seeks and pursues the “even more” that God has for us all.

In His great love,


Strength! Courage! Don’t be timid; don’t get discouraged. God, your God, is with you every step of the way. Joshua 1.9 (MSG)